Updated and added on 1.3.10
OK, so here are a picture & video from my Son's clinic on how to fish for trout with his $19.95 Spiderman rod & reel. Another big thanks to Dr. Lee who netted Blake's fish while I was taking these pictures.
Weather was horrible in Seattle, but met at the New Creekside Angler (it has moved about two blocks from where it used to be) early in the morning to head across the pass. Unfortunately Blake, who normally travels well didn't so we had to stop in Easton when he got sick.
It was a blessing in disguise. The before mentioned bad weather passed while we fed Blake pancakes & milk. When we finally hit the pond it was a measure of technology vs. simplicity.
Blake had a 3' Shakespeare Spider man rod w/ integrated Zebco type closed faced rod w/ a casting float and choronomid suspended under it. Dom & I had both intermediate and floating rigs. The final totals were Blake 11 to his fly w/ 7 landed (and one really big smile), Dom landed two (even after he changed to the same fly) and I was so busy helping Blake I was happy to get several hits. It was interesting to note how quickly a 3 1/2 year old can shake car sickness when he catches a lot of trout!
Also, a note was left by our former Biologist Dick Thompson; he has moved to Yakima and took his green boat when he left (so no, it has not been stolen).
Tight Lines,
Randy :-)