Today DrRobFish, DrDadFish, and DrDon visited the FRC in the morning. Though clouds were dark and rain was threatening we decided to brave the elements. It was a short wait for action. Before we hit the corner for the first time Don & Dad hooked fish almost simultaneously--a double!! Great way to start. Both got them in. (Floating lines--black bugger and green wooly worm with red tail).
Not long after and I had my chance and boated a 16" rainbow. (Intermediate line with green damselfly nymph) Another one a short time later. (trailing prince nymph).
Down the back shore and Don found another (pictured).
Smiling Dr. Don with a smiling rainbow |
Then came the rain. If it was a shower it was more like the kind of shower you take when you have to get up for an early flight and you are standing under the showerhead for 10 . . . 15 . . . 20 minutes? Don & Dad had their thinking caps on this morning and actually brought coats, me--not so thinking this morning and more anxious to get fishing so only had flannel shirt with sweatshirt over it. When you're catching fish, who's counting time anyway? (Finally dried out and warmed up about the time we hit Wenatchee.)
As we were trolling up the far end there was lots of action. At one point I had hooked a small bluegill on my prince dropper and was hauling it in when a Tiger Trout came up and swatted it. I quickly let it back down and he swatted again and missed. And again. And again. Finally he got it and made one quick run and was off. I think he got the bluegill, but the hook tore from the bluegill's soft mouth so the tiger had a tasty treat. I guess that lets us know that at least one tiger survives to feast yet another year on the bluegill. (I was the only one who caught bluegill--I know Tom & Rick, each bluegill I catch counts as a deduction on trout so I was probably negative today in fish count, but it was worth it to have the brief tiger encounter!)
Liking the FRC this year!