Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Cold Day at the FRC

We were greeted today by 11 trumpeter swans as we arrived at the pond.  Weather was rain mixed with snow.  Not the best day to bring the wife for the first time.  (I did clean the bathroom first thing when I got there in case she needed to use it.  You can thank me later.)

Brian and Natalie wanted their own boat but soon got cold and went back to the van.  We fished for about an hour and hit two fish.  Mary had it on but the spool of the reel was pressed against her coat so no line went out--SNAP!  The fish made short work of my leader.  

One hour--two rods--two fish to the fly--one on--none to net.  Cold day, cold fishing. :-(

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tom: Thanks so much for setting up this bolg!! I'm with Randy - this is a great way to share fishing reports and stay in touch.

I have not been to the pond yet this year, although I do have a few questions - for anyone who might know the answer:

Do we have a new biologist now that Dick has retired?

Are we planning to stock the pond this year?

Would pond members be interested in having a summer (or late summer) "get together" to meet each other and share info about the pond? Perhaps dinner at a restaurant (or members home - with expenses shared) would be a fun way to get acquainted.

Thanks again Tom - the blog is a great idea!!


Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20th

Black bugger was the color of the day. We also took some on a pheasant tail dropper, brown leach and had a few on a purple egg sucking leech.

13 fish to the net. One fish lost on the fight. Several other soft takes. The fish were VERY GENTLE on the take while trolling.

Did get one smallish brownie. Dad's fish was the largest of the day. It was camera shy and flipped out of his hands, so the only photo is of it lying in the net.

Enjoy the pics.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thanks Tom

To all members of the FRC, I want to thank TOM for putting this Blog together. I am not as tech savvy as I would like to think and this is a wonderful way to get out the fishing report on a real time basis to everyone.

ROB has mentioned that the land owners have a weather station on the barn. I will see if we can get the URL to this so that we can get real time weather updates prior to leaving the comforts of home.

This is our first time ever doing something like this. I hope you all like it and will give continual feedback so that we can improve the FRC experience for everyone.

Randy Ogata :-)
St. Patrick's Day 3/17/09
4:40 P.M. -7:20 P.M.
11 fish to the fly
5 fish hooked
4 fish to the net (14, 16, 18, 24 inches)

Be aware the rubber net has some holes in it the fish can swim through!  The big one slipped through headfirst with the fly in his mouth.  Really hard to fight and net a fish when the line is going through a net you are holding in your hand while holding a camera to try to take a picture since you are alone on the lake.  Alas, no photo of that one!

This is skinny mini, but 24" was a solid fish.  

First 40 minutes had nothing and then I changed to the yellow bunny leech and got a strike immediately.  Trailed with brown bead head leech with green sparkly stuff in the body (St. Patrick's Day, of course Laddie!) that picked up the other three.  Photos of flies are here.  

Nice friend to the net.  Yellow bunny leech visible in the net above the fish.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Brian was excited to get his first brown trout and it was a beauty.
This is Daniela, our exchange student from Brazil whom we introduced to rainbow trout and flyfishing.  She'd never been fishing before and was happy to be able to go fishing "in the spring".  What a great place to get a start!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Welcome to the FRC Blog Page

We'll try out our blog page. All FRC members can be authors (that means they can post fishing reports, etc.) and readers.

We'll give it a try and see how it works!