Great NewsWent fishing on Saturday AM 4/18/09; got up early and checked the weather station it was 30 degrees in E-burg with 2.3 mph wind. Packed an extra layer of cloths and blasted down the highway with Pedro and Blake (3 yr old son). The road up to the pond has recently been re-graded, but the road around the pond remains the same. The dock was out (but both rafts are still beached - more on that later).
Were on the water by 9 AM. The action was "really slow", ha ha. At 9:05 we caught our first and largest bow of the day. 26" just under 5 lbs on an intermediate line and purple cone head comet-like fly.
Took the trolling tour of the pond, it was low with no water entering at all and the exit tube being above water as well. Noted that the amount of underwater weeds was lower than in the past, but there were isolated areas where long large stalks reach up to the surface.
Pedro then proceeded to put on a clinic using a floating line, and a dropper rig under a strike indicator. He popped the next 5 fish in a row on either a san juan worm (top) or modified choronomid (drop). These ranged from 24" down to 15" and all fought well and were very healthy. Blake was very "helpful" to Pedro as he assisted him in trying to land his fish (will post video shortly).
Saw a school of browns in the shallow end of the pond, but did not hook any up. Just before quiten' time Pedro hooked up a hot Bow on a big white fugly. Since we were in the shallows, this fish did a great bonefish imitation and ripped off his entire line while staying just sub-surface. We actually thought we might have tied into a carp - being a white fly and all.
Total time on water 2 hrs (4 rod hours); 7 for 9 and all bows. By the time we got off the water it was over 60 degress!
Bad NewsBrought some cleaning supplies as this was my first trip over to the pond this season. Started to clean up the table & chairs as it appears that either birds have gotten into the cabin or the door was left open at some point and they went on the table, chairs, etc. This was easy to clean up.
However, the sleeping area was un-usable and actually a hazard to our health. There are either rats or mice (both?) that have taken up residence in the cabin and there were dropping everywhere. The sheets, surfaces and the entire area needs to be de-contaminated. I did not bring the appropiate cleaning supplies to handle this type of problem and had to keep my son out of the room as he wanted to lay down and have his diaper changed. We need to maintain this cabin as it is a condition of our lease - I am open for any and all suggestions. Anyone with past experience in these matters?
Also drove around the edge of the pond, noted two dead fish both larger trout floating up/near the edge of shore. Overall, it appears that we have had minimal winter kill.
Need Members HelpWe will refrain from supplemental feeding to keep the nutrients our of the water that have been feeding the weeds & alge. This should also keep the fish more agressive towards the fly. If anyone starts to catch fish that don't appear to be healthy, I need to hear of it right away.
Also any ideas on how to adress the problems at the cabin would be appreciated. Do Boy Scouts get merit badges for projects like this?
Finally, I want to hear & see pictures of the first Tiger caught at the FRC!
Tight Lines,
Randy, Pedro & Blake