Many thanks to our supplier of Browns & Tiger Trout and Gary, our Pond Keeper. Today they were planted into the pond late in the afternoon. We were fortunate enough to luck into approximately 10 Tiger Trout this year. These are a cross between a Brown & Brook Trout. Look at the distinctive colors in this photo's taken from the web (looks more like a leopard to me, but very hard to miss). These are very aggressive trout and will strike flies with great ferocity. In addition, they will help to keep the sunfish population down by natural predation - very important as these will compete with the browns & rainbows for food. Because of their willingness to strike more frequently it is important to NOT USE BAIT in the pond anymore. These trout will fatally swallow bait more frequently and are extremely hard to obtain and are much more expensive when available. If you catch one and it has "swallowed" the fly (I know rare with flies) please cut the leader right away.
Please use this BLOG to post your catch records and experiences at the FRC Pond. In addition, on the top right corner of the BLOG is a link to a WSU website that if you select the BROADVIEW site will give you real time weather data for the pond.
I have heard that people are catching many fat & happy rainbows. To try to keep down on weeds & alge we may limit supplemental feeding in the pond until we notice an adverse effect on the trout being caught. We have set up for a plant of additional triploid rainbows in the near future, and once this is done I will inform everyone with a new post.
Tight Lines,
Randy :-)
Thanks, Randy. I'm looking forward to finding those 10 tigers. Hopefully with a sunfish hanging out of its mouth!